Thursday, April 5, 2007

Live Blog: Part I - Innings 1-3

Live Blog

Welcome to my first Live Blog. Here is how this is going to go I’ll be keeping a running diary of the game and interjecting my thoughts and observations along with the thoughts and observations and off hand comments of my good buddy Joey. I’ll be posting the blog in three segments. First three innings, middle three and final three, enjoy.

First Inning

Rushing home from work I missed Lugo leading off the game but nothing big he made an out…Youk worked his first walk off the season and Jerry Remy just told us that Zach Greinke has been working through anxiety problems and that crowds especially bothered him…today might not be the best day for Zach

Ortiz three pitch K not really that cool, Greinke is looking pretty good so far.

I’m not going chronicle every at bat and pitch but Manny just lofted an opposite field double that drove Youk in from first, 1-0 Sox…tough times for Mark Tehan in the outfield…has to be rough switching from third to right in your second season.

Grenke just struck out JD Drew...guess I spoke a little too soon about him having anxiety attacks today he’s looking pretty good so far…first commercial break, Dice-k in t-minus five minutes, give or take.

Dice-k’s first pitch fouled off by DeJesus…gives up a single…oh no HE’S A BUST…just kidding

1-6-3 double play, Dice-k through the first, minor jam but he got out of it with a nice fastball jamming Emil Brown inside.

Second Inning

Joey starts things of with a great comment on Pedroia “it’s like he just got called up to the varsity.” I can’t think of any better way to put it, that’s exactly what he looks like. I think we’ll have to dub Pedroia ‘Ross’, the kid from Two-a-Day’s, freshman quarterback on the high school football powerhouse, little bit wide eyed but he’s got to come right in and not suck.

So far so good from JD Drew, he’s hit pretty well and made some real nice plays in the field…I definitely under estimated his fielding ability.

Dice-k gets his first strikeout on a nice outside fastball, 1-0 Sox after two…Don Orsillo has told us Dice-k is the fourth Japanese pitcher to start a game four times

Third Inning

Finally something from Lugo, sort of, he legged out a single after Alex Gordon bobbled a ball at third.

Alex Gordon having a tough time at third, he’s dove and knocked two balls down but cant come up with either of them…again gold from Joey “Look at Manny, he’s jogging like ‘fuck I wish that was just an out now I gotta run all the way to first”

Dice-k can field his position he just made a nice running play on a chopper between first and the mount. The best part about that play thought, the fact that for some reason Youk wasn’t sure what was going on and just sort of stared at Dice-k sprinting off the mount before he went to cover first. That provided the first of many akward conversations between Dice-k and the other players. Dice-k and Youk just looked at each other and started chuckling, like ‘I have no idea what you just said’, ‘yeah no clue, so lets just laugh’

We know they had a six man rotation in Japan; seriously we all got that memo, but if you’re going to keep telling us add in more about how Japanese pitchers throw a lot more between games.

Impressions after the first three, good things, one I really like Dice-k’s demeanor and he has really settled down since getting that double play.


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